Thursday, 30 May 2013

curriculum corner...

Curriculum Corner –
Leadership Course –
Deciding the process to see the expected change
It includes the journey of three years
Time frame, workshop and support, competency framework and intervention areas to be chosen 
Making clear to all the visitors
What we do and how we work in school? (Understanding the process of change)
With theory and practice
Approach – review and evolving process.
Developing the understanding in current scenario
Suspension of judgment and biased approach for a limited time
Doing the work in current present –
Making self understanding and helping others to understand the understating of self.
Understanding school as a system /NCF and This curriculam. E very location will pickup their individual wish list   
Three ways to work and intervene
Overall stage (process kis area me kis time pe kya kaam ho raha hoga-gives connection of field support) +field support +(SLMs are made for HTs) + Competency Framework
-what will be the flow of the work we do in school
-time and effort ot achieve that goal
-we decide our own field support with that understanding
-adding the tribal location perspective in reflection
-making the curriculum for tribal location (making syllabus for tribal student)
Note – these are pure process. We are using the pure theory to decide the practical path of HT leadership. One more point can be added. 16 days and 5 hours , if the fellow select 5 schools. These are pure intervention days except the preparation phase of acceptance about the program and self in school system. This is a journey of the date till a date where we are and where we will be in future. Why new batch has been involved in the process to understand the theory and pure processes. Main aim is to share our own understanding but before it is very important to make our own understanding.
How much time we will find to share our own understanding
The experts can share things in a better way
 Leadership –
Personnel –initiatives taking but for what? That idea connects with all the three leadership mentioned below? Willingness also comes under personnel leadership. Everything that is coated comes from personnel leadership. Things are searched from here and connected with other leadership. To work on Classroom process HT can observe few classes and hole a creative staff discussion to make it better. Personnel leadership can’t be seen in isolation. If we talk about role modeling then for what it is being done? To bring what impact we are doing anything? Being non-judgmental   and listening the people sitting before you then deciding what is to be done.
Institutional – who will work in the classroom? Teacher work on it so we need to work on the capacity building of the teachers through HT.After school children goes where? Child goes in community after school. So we need to work on with community (with parents and smc members). We take it as pedagogic intervention. Linear to 360 approaches.
How we visualize pedagogic intervention? Children’s learning level is very low. Staff members are not supportive they don’t come to school in time. Documentation work is killing our time and we don’t find time to go in the class. We sit for a discussion with HT to find the problem areas. Identifying problem areas and approaching it with balanced approach.
Learning level, staff motivation and teaching methodology, communication gap, lack of motivation, role allocation and interest to perform the role.
Observation –discussion (a way to know why learning level is down) –feedback- demo -follow up
Staff is not able to manage the class – discussing about the classroom management. Giving demo classes and
It is one of the method we are choosing. We see all these intervention as pedagogic intervention which comes under the umbrella of institutional leadership.
Discussing and interacting with students where he was sitting in the class and with whom. Sustainability do matters so we need to focus on quality of it.
We are working on six areas – baseline
1.     Pedagogic intervention -
2.     Learning environment  - assembly
3.     HT development -
4.     Staffroom -
5.     SDP – improving learning level in hindi
6.     Community -
Articulation of the yearly goal is very important. In one year 3 months time frame is decided to complete a single growth stage. We have selected these six area from the all CF.  

Note - Every intervention covers all the four leadership simultaneously. Interlinked and overlapped leadership inters in on another’s area. Role modeling may be a well planned strategy to achieve the particular result. Instructional and institutional leadership has been merged here. Taking HT to the class was main concern in the Churu location but here we are focusing more on institutional and social leadership. NCF is accepted as per the need and capacity of the each state. Why we are working differently in different location? Doing one by one work on each leadership will take a larger time in the long run. TNAc is the base of working here in a different way.

Field support/workshop/self learning material
1.     Important points –
2.     Logic of progression
3.     I should know what I am talking about
4.     Display of the material /growth stage/competency framework/SLM
5.     Ideal planning/ intervention and it’s process during the visit
6.     Aries of Udaipur-Dungarpur project and it’s process during the school visit.
Note – questions on the growth stage
If we are sure this competency has been developed in HT? it may be or it may not be/ HT may come down on the growth stage level. Child centric/ If HT shows empathy to me then it is fine but if He sharing the same empathy with his staff members too, with children and with parents too. It is not so that if HT is writing poetry then he should be called a reflective person.
Don’t focus on intervention area. His understanding about children is improving with the passes of time. With the other area he can be on the very similar growth stage. That may be Frisbee, library and classroom process. He believes in children’s ability and shares responsibility with him. Library how is to be established in the school/opening the library/giving books to children/creating a discussion forum for the discussion on the books on weekly basis. Having interaction with students is very important. Focusing on the process is very important. Don’t treat this document as bible’s sacred word. Things can change with the time and situation. Process is more important.

Every visitors has his own objective
Finding way to present it
Field support guide/SLM/process of assembly (48 visit)

Setting priority and coming with preparation  

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