A cohort means the team of soldiers or friends. Currently i am living in a fellowship cohort known as a team of vibrant people. Really it is because the people who are here thinks differently. There may be many reasons behind that they all are from different states all over the India. Their representation may vary keeping in mind the number of states but the individual difference of the fellows makes it a platform to challenge one's own ideas and beliefs.
Putting an idea generate many opinion from the same group who lives together, eat together , travel together and have very friendly relation with each other. They work as a team but when it comes to ideas they are very individualistic in approaching that similar idea. This creates a situation very similar to Indian democracy where no single idea, ideology, faith, religion, region, cast and other identity can be accepted as it is.
There will be a debate to decide the acceptable program to be implemented in a particular region. This demands for common minimum program (CMM) to be implemented in future. Here we enjoyed the atmosphere of a debating society which is missing from the scene of the civil society. They are debating their own agenda to serve their own interest to work in their own domain.
At the same time they don't wish to have dialogue with the other institutions working in the same area. Which seems to be biggest loss foe our nation as a whole because all the issues on very deep are softly and closely connected to each other. Without having a very broad view we will not be able to understand the real picture like the story of the elephant passing through a village.
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